
The AT&T Bedminster Golf League was formed in 1975 among the first groups of AT&T Long Lines Headquarters personnel who relocated to New Jersey from New York City.  The League is the oldest, active AT&T employee league in NJ, offering continuous golf every year since 1975.



The AT&T Bedminster Golf League seeks to further the game of golf by supplying the opportunity for its members to enjoy their golf experience, in a team, competitive friendly environment, at a reasonable price.




In 2007 "Eligibility" was no longer limited to current, former and contract employees of AT&T or their subsidiaries and partnerships. "Eligibility" of becoming a league member is now extended to include friends, family, golf acquaintances of league members and players responding to league flyer and e-mail in solicitation of new membership. The prospective new league members would have to show/demonstrate that their golfing abilities are consistent with existing league member rules. i.e. Playing and maintain a 25 handicap or lower for 9 holes (average score of 56 or less for 9 holes of golf), et al.


Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the following seven positions that are staffed by league members:

·         President/Tournament Chairperson

·         Vice-President/Rules Chairperson

·         Secretary/Awards Chairperson

·         Treasurer/Greens Fees Chairperson

·         Handicap/Results/Stats Chairperson

·         Handicap Program/Web Master Chairperson

·         Membership Chairperson


These positions are held and filled on a voluntary basis. If, as a league member you have any interest in one of these positions, please let a member of the executive committee know.  As an incentive to holding these positions, the annual league dues (currently $100) will be waived for each officer.




The League is played under MATCH Play rules.  Stroke play rules i.e. penalties must also be applied for scoring purposes when appropriate.



Teams will consist of up to seven members of which four members will be scheduled for competition each week. Rotation will be decided and arranged by the team captains. However, all team members MUST be scheduled for 12 matches and play a minimum of 9 matches to be eligible for Annual League Awards (see details under Annual in section G Awards and Prizes) or participate as a team member during the year end tournament (YET). A team member who has not satisfied this requirement of 9 rounds during the season will be exempt from playing a match during the YET provided his or her team has qualified to play for a position. The team member would be allowed to play if he or she desired but would still be an automatic forfeit from a team perspective.  Also, it is possible that the number of rounds to qualify could be reduced pending the number of league nights that may be canceled because of inclement weather or any other reason.


Members and Subs not scheduled for matches on a particular day are still invited to play, but they must wait until the final foursome of scheduled competition has teed off before playing. However, if a schedule competitor’s opponent has forfeited and the scheduled competitor is looking for a single, then the non-scheduled member or sub may tee off with the scheduled competitor.  Non-scheduled league members MUST sign in with the Pro Shop and pay just as a scheduled member would.


A schedule of the weekly team competition will be posted on the league website under "This Week's Match". This schedule will include a match up of the teams competing in the following week and a list of the players on each team in ascending order of updated handicap indexes. Each team captain is responsible for ensuring that (a) his/her team's schedule is provided to the League Website Chairperson for posting and (b) the members of his/her team have coordinated their matches with the opposing team players by mid-day on the day prior to play. Last minute substitutions can be made, but it is up to the team member to find a non-scheduled teammate or sub to play in their place and to notify the team captain of any changes by mid-day on the day prior to play. It is therefore the responsibility of the captain of the team making the change to notify all players involved in the change and who their new opponents will be (a single substitution could affect several matches). However, there are times due to business or personal reasons that a scheduled team member or sub may find out on the day of play that they can not play. It is the team member or sub’s responsibility to find a non-scheduled teammate or sub to play in their place and inform the team captain. It is then the captain’s responsibility to adjust the matches in ascending order of updated handicap indexes and inform both teams of the changes. If a captain is not available then a single team member either assigned by the captain in their absence or one of the scheduled team members will make the necessary changes and inform both teams. Any changes must be provided to both teams prior to mid-day on the day of play. If a sub is needed past mid-day they will play the opponent of the last minute canceling player and the line up is NOT to be adjusted to be in ascending order. If a sub cannot be obtained the scheduled team member or sub must inform their opponent and their captain that they could not find a sub and that they are going to forfeit their match. Under no circumstance will the scheduled matches be swapped around after mid-day on the day of play for last minute substitutions or a scheduled team member/s or sub/s forfeits their match/es.


Matches will be set up on the following basis:


            Team A                                                           Team B          

Lowest handicap player          Vs                    Lowest handicap player

2nd lowest                           Vs                    2nd lowest            

3rd                                     Vs                    3rd                      

4th                                      Vs                    4th                      


Note: Matches are to be set by “Handicap Indexes”. “This Week’s Match” on the league web site list team members in ascending order per their handicap index. Some team members may have the same handicap but they are listed in ascending order per their handicap index. Furthermore, Subs must also be paired to a match per their handicap index. Handicap Indexes for Team members and Subs may be found under “HANDICAPS” OR “HANDICAPS W/SCORES on the “Handicap” page of the league web site. 


If a substitute is used, the substitute player must be slotted as above accordingly.


Since the competition is based upon head to head matches, golfers must play against their opponent in the same foursome. Under no circumstance will the scheduled matches be swapped around after Mid-day on the day of play for last minute substitutions or a scheduled team member/s or sub/s forfeits their match/es.   As the golfers arrive at the course, THEY MUST FIRST REPORT TO THE PRO-SHOP AND SIGN IN AT THE PRO-SHOP COUNTER.  As soon as the golfer’s opponent arrives and reports to the pro-shop, a match is ready. The golfers in this match then need to call out to the golfers on the practice green to determine if another two-some (i.e., a second match) is ready to play. Once a second match is ready, a foursome is established and that foursome proceeds to the first tee. Subsequent matches/foursomes are handled in the same manner.


In case of inclement weather during the day of play, the captain of each team (or another team member if the captain is not available) will be notified by league officials via phone before 3:00 P.M. if the day’s matches have been cancelled.  A cancellation notice will also be posted to the league website by the League Website Chairperson.


If the teams have not been notified, there is a possibility the matches can be played and therefore all teams MUST show up at the golf course. If conditions at the course require cancellation, such a decision will be made no later than 5:00 P.M.  The decision will be made by one of the officers on the league executive committee.


If play is started, those players who failed to appear will have forfeited their match.  During the course of the match, if conditions require a stoppage of play - all matches are null and void regardless of where they stand when play is stopped. There will be no attempt to reschedule the matches. Payment of greens fees will be made on a case-by-case basis as agreed to between High Bridge Hills management and the league President or the Vice President if the President is absent.


Note: Green fees for partial rounds are determined via negotiations with the course and therefore, payment may be required. If you signed up in the Pro Shop and teed off, the course may require payment.


A player forfeits their match if they do not arrive at the course by 5:15 P.M. (assuming their opponent is there and ready to play).  If your opponent has forfeited the match, you will still have to play the round to gain the two points. If neither golfer plays, no points are awarded and it will be considered a double forfeit.


Individual matches cannot be made up regardless of circumstances.




Normal tee marker assignments are as follows:


Ladies and Seniors 80+        GOLD or higher

Seniors 67-79                         WHITE or higher

Men <67                                 RED or higher

Ladies                                     Gold or higher


A player may choose to play a higher(more difficult) tee box then their normal tee box. The same tee box must be used for the entire round.

The same tee box MUST be used for the ENTIRE season, with one exception – if, during the year, a player reaches an age milestone that allows them to use a different tee box, they may then, AFTER notifying the League President and their Team Captain, begin to use the new tee box.




High Bridge Hills (HBH) often has outings prior to our league play. During the HBH outings there are major prizes such as vacations and automobiles given away for a hole-in-one on the par 3 holes. These major prizes are covered by an insurance policy in case someone actually has a hole-in-one and wins the prize. If someone wins the prize the insurance policy pays for the prize. The insurance policy requires a minimum yardage length of 165, 172, or longer. Therefore, HBH places all of the tee markers as far back as possible on the par 3 holes in order to be in compliance with the insurance policy for the offered prizes. In most cases, if not all, HBH does not move the tee markers on the par 3 holes back to the appropriate teeing ground before our league play starts. There are several reasons for this: (1) the outing may still have foursomes out on the golf course; (2) the greens keeper crew has left for the day; (3) there is no HBH employee that can leave their duty station to go out on the golf course and move the tee markers; (4) most importantly, there is no one available that is authorized to move the tee markers. The only HBH employees that are authorized to move the tee markers are the "GREENS KEEPER PERSONNEL". The HBH managers and the pro shop personnel are not authorized to move the tee markers, nor can they ask a cart kid or authorize a league member to move the tee markers. 


Due to the aforementioned problem and several issues that have transpired in 2005, the league officers implemented the following league rule in 2005:


Whenever the "White" and "Gold" tee markers have been moved back to the "Red" tee marker on Par 3 holes, all league members must tee off from the appropriate gender specific yardage markers as follows:


               Yardage Markers                 Score Card       LEAGUE RULE

                                                                                                LADIES & SENIORS 80+    MEN    SENIORS 67-79

Hole 4    Gold-White-Red-Black       112-127-145-170                                112                   145                  127

Hole 6    Gold-White-Red-Black        74-89-100-115                                 74                     100                  89

Hole 8    Gold-White-Red-Black        98-152-191-229                               98                     191                  152

Hole 12  Gold-White-Red-Black       107-110-120-130                                107                   120                  110

Hole 14  Gold-White-Red-Black       151-177-190-206                                151                   190                  177


NOTE for Hole #8: Men should play from the 191 yard normal Red teeing area, unless the Red tees are closer. The normal Red teeing area is the tee box at the hole yardage marker(also where the trash can is).





Tee Box Definition: Draw an imaginary line "No Closer To The Hole" from the tee marker across the teeing ground to the far side. You may tee up no more than two club lengths behind this line.






(A-3) Gauging and/or Measuring Devices—Any type of yardage device (GPS, or Lazer, etc.) are allowed to be used by league members.




The difference between the handicaps of the two players is applied to the holes of the higher handicap player. For example:


                        Player  A”                             Player  “B”

                        Handicap 16                            Handicap 10


Player  A” gets a six-stroke handicap (6=16-10) and applies a one-stroke advantage to the six most difficult holes based on the course rating.


If the difference in handicap exceeds nine, additional strokes are applied starting with the most difficult hole. For example, with an eleven-stroke handicap difference, the higher handicap player would receive stroke advantages in the following manner:


Hole                                            1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9

Handicap rating of hole            13        11        5        17        7         3         15       1         9

Stroke advantage                      -1        -1        -1         -1       -1       -2         -1       -2        -1


There is NO maximum handicap differential. Handicap differential is based on difference between the league members’ handicaps.


Equitable Stroke Control


Handicaps are determined based on an Equitable Stroke Control basis.  League handicaps comply with present USGA handicapping rules for golfers with Nine-Hole Handicaps of 0 through 25.  League handicaps are maintained using ESC compliant software and are computed on the maximum number of shots per hole basis as follows:


Nine-Hole                    Maximum Number

Course Handicap        on Any Hole

4 or less                        Double Bogey

5 through 9                         7

10 through 14                     8

15 through 19                     9

20 through 25                    10


Note: Although the Maximum Number on Any Hole may exceed the league rule of double Par plus 1, you MUST pick up at double Par plus 1 and NOT play out to your maximum allowable score.


For example, a person with a Handicap of 9:

Hole #                                     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  Gross Total

Par                                           5   5   4   3   4   4   3   4   4         36

Gross Score                             8   6   4   6   7   4   5   6   8         54

Handicap Computation           7   6   4   6   7   4   5   6   7         52


·         Triple bogey on 1 will affect handicap computation and will be reduced to the maximum allowable score of 7.

·         Quadruple bogey on 9 results in a 1-stroke deduction from gross for handicap computation to meet the maximum allowable score of 7.


Strokes are deducted from the gross score for HANDICAP COMPUTATION only.  They are not deducted for match play purposes.


Handicap Computation:


New league members or new subs handicaps will be calculated using a variation of    USGA rules per the following League criteria:


1st. score = handicap

2 scores – average of 2 scores  = handicap

3 scores - average of lowest 2 scores  = handicap

4 scores - average of lowest 2 scores  = handicap

5 scores - average of lowest 3 scores  = handicap

6 scores - average of lowest 3 scores  = handicap

7 scores - average of lowest 4 scores  = handicap

8 scores - average of lowest 4 scores  = handicap

9 scores - average of lowest 5 scores  = handicap

10 scores - average of lowest 5 scores  = handicap

11 scores - average of lowest 6 scores  = handicap

12 scores - average of lowest 6 scores  = handicap

13 scores - average of lowest 7 scores  = handicap

14 scores - average of lowest 7 scores  = handicap

15 scores - average of lowest 8 scores  = handicap

16 scores - average of lowest 8 scores  = handicap

17 scores - average of lowest 9 scores  = handicap

18 scores - average of lowest 9 scores  = handicap

19 scores - average of lowest 10 scores  = handicap

20 scores - average of lowest 10 scores  = handicap


More than 20 scores - oldest score drops out - continue to calculate based on 20 scores criteria. 


Note: ESC must be used to calculate all handicaps.

However, actual match score w/o ESC will be used to determine "INDIVIDUAL NET SCORE FOR DETERMINING TOTAL TEAM NET SCORE".






Officer Responsibilities

·         Establish, interpret and administer League rules and bylaws and distribute via Internet web site

·         Negotiate and contract for league play and tournaments with golf courses.

·         Assign associates to Teams maintaining an equal combined total handicap for all teams where possible.

·         Assess and collect dues and greens fees from associates.

·         Disperse moneys to conduct League business.

·         Administer League handicap system and computer related statistical data for League prizes.

·         Maintain and distribute Team Rosters, Team Pairings, Substitute lists, Weekly Results and statistical data to Team Captains/League Members via Internet web site

·         Arrange for and distribute trophies.

·         Determine and distribute prize money.

·         Prepare financial league account report prior to YET to ensure sufficient funds are available to cover annual expensive.


Team Captain Responsibilities

·         Communicates League rules and bylaws to Team Members.

·         Assign acting captain in your absence and inform captain/s of opposing team/s.

·         Schedules Team Members in advance for upcoming matches.

·         Coordinates Team Member matches in advance with opposing Team Captain.

·         Provides team's "Roster" to League Web Master for posting on the league web site NLT 2nd week of the league season. Failure to comply will result in loss of weekly team points until team's "Roster" is posted.

·         Provides team's "Schedule" to League Web Master for posting on the league web site NLT 2nd week of the league season. Failure to comply will result in loss of weekly team points until team's "Schedule" is posted.

·         Maintain and provide timely updated team "Schedule" to League Web Master for posting on the league web site.

·         Assure Team Members' dues and greens fees are paid to League Treasurer.

·         Notify League Treasurer of Team's Members/Substitutes scheduled for play on match day.

·         Represent Team Member concerns to League Officers.

·         If necessary distribute handicap, substitute and statistical data for League prizes to Team Members. Otherwise, information can be found on league web site / for Team Members with Internet access.

·         Distribute trophies and prize money to Team Members in the year they were received.

·         If a Team Member is not going to be able to fulfill their responsibility for a month or more due to business or health reasons, then the Captain may obtain a “Permanent Sub” from the League Membership Chairperson. Once the Team Member is able to resume their responsibilities, the “Permanent Sub” will then go back on the League Sub List.

Note: A permanent sub's 1st obligation is to the team that they are permanently assigned. However, if another team needs a sub and the permanent sub is not scheduled to play, then the permanent sub may play for another team.


Team Member Responsibilities

·         If you have Internet access, obtain league information from league web site /. Otherwise, obtain league information from Team Captain.

·         Perform captains responsibilities if assigned as acting captain.

·         Observe League rules and bylaws.

·         Arrange mutual tee time in advance of match with opponent.

·         Appear on scheduled days, at appropriate times

·         Notify opponent on a timely basis of No Show status.

·         Obtain Substitute in advance of match when necessary.

·         Notify Team Captain of Substitute replacement in advance of match.

·         Notify opponent of Substitute replacement in advance of match..


Substitute Responsibilities

·         If you have Internet access obtain league information from league web site /. Otherwise, obtain league information from League Membership Chairperson.

·         Observe League rules and bylaws.

·         Arrange mutual tee time in advance of match with opponent.

·         Appear on scheduled day/s.

·         Notify opponent on a timely basis of No Show status.

·         Obtain Substitute in advance of match when necessary.

·         Notify Team Captain of Substitute replacement in advance of match.

·         Notify opponent of Substitute replacement in advance of match.

·         Pay green fees to League Treasurer for scheduled matches.

·         Substitutes are NOT eligible for trophies, prize money, weekly golf ball prizes or free buffet at year-end tournament.

·         Note: A permanent sub's 1st obligation is to the team that they are permanently assigned. However, if another team needs a sub and the permanent sub is not scheduled to play, then the permanent sub may play for another team.





The league play is based upon 9-hole match play in which each hole is a separate contest. The player who holes the ball in the fewest NET strokes wins a hole. The player who wins the most holes wins a match.


Maximum points a team can receive each week is 10 and points are awarded as follows:

·         2 points for each team member’s win

·         2 points for team net score

·         In case of a tie, one point is awarded to each player/team

·         Match points (2) will not be awarded in the case of a double forfeit (neither opponent of a scheduled match plays).


The two Team Points are awarded to the team with the lowest team net score (stroke play). Scores of all team members are added together subtracting the handicap and comparing that total with the other teams total. The team with the lowest score wins the two points. 


In order to receive team points, at least three members/subs must play that day. If only three members/subs play, the team score is based on the three matches played and do not include the score of the unmatched member/sub of the full team, nor can they use the three best scores unless they happen to be the players involved in the three matches.  If only one or two players/subs from the same team show up for their matches, they are eligible to compete for their match points only.


If both teams fail to field at least three members/subs, team points cannot be awarded to either team.





USGA Rules and local golf course rules will govern except where modified below.

Note: Numbers 9, 10 and 11 are USGA rules that we restate here due to their frequent occurrence.


1.      Winter rules: Our league uses winter rules, which allow the following:

·         Improved lies only on the fairway of the hole you are playing; all other fairways are considered as rough.

·         Improved lie should be no closer to the hole and within one club length of original lie.

·         The ball may be moved to a better lie either by the club or by hand.

·         A ball in the rough or in a hazard cannot be touched or lie improved and must be played as it lies. The only exception to this is if the club will strike a rock, then the ball can be dropped, not placed, within one club length  (no closer to the hole) after notifying your opponent.


Under winter rules, the ball may also be cleaned before, during, or after improving the lie. Players wishing to use summer rules may do so but should not expect their opponents to also play summer rules.


Plugged balls may be marked, lifted and cleaned. In your own fairway the ball may be placed, otherwise the ball must be dropped near the original lie.


Furthermore, a ball coming to rest on a bare spot (cart damage) or rocks in the rough may also be dropped (see dropping rule #11). However, this exception does not apply to drainage areas or marked hazards.


2.      Pick up rule: Golfers should play out all holes to determine winner of hole. A player still has the option of picking up, taking “double par plus one”, and losing the hole. If both players pick up, the hole is halved. A “natural” or “actual” double par plus one wins the hole over a “pick up” double par plus one.


Note: It is a requirement of the league that you PICK UP and take a score of double par plus 1 for that hole if your GROSS score is at double par and you do NOT have a “makeable" putt. There are no exceptions to this rule and handicap strokes will be applied to determine the outcome of the hole.


Note the following examples:

Þ    Player A-Natural DP+1, Player B-Pick Up DP+1, Player A wins the hole.

Þ    Player A-Pick Up DP+1, Player B-Pick Up DP+1, No handicap strokes-Player A and Player B tie the hole.

Þ    Player A-Pick Up DP+1, Player B-Pick Up DP+1, Player A gets 1 handicap stroke and wins the hole with a net double par.

Þ    Player A-Natural DP+1, Player B-Natural DP+2, Player B gets 1 handicap stroke. However, the stroke DOES NOT apply since Player B DID NOT COMPLY with the rule which states that a player “MUST PICK UP at double par +1". Player A wins the hole because a Natural DP+1 beats a Pick Up DB+1.


3.  Out of bounds: One stroke penalty, drop a ball in bounds not nearer the hole, two club lengths from the out of bounds line perpendicular to the point your ball entered the out of bounds. No provisional balls should be played.



4.  Lost ball: One stroke penalty. Drop a ball not nearer the hole, as near the spot as possible where the original ball was presumed lost.  A ball, which is lost in the woods or a hazard, is replaced by dropping within two club lengths of where it entered the woods or a hazard, not nearer the hole.

4a. Special Fescue Rule One stroke penalty. A ball lost or deemed unplayable in the Fescue(not identified as hazard), drop, in play, within 2 club lengths perpendicular to where the ball is believed to be located or the unplayable location not nearer the hole.


5.  Unplayable ball: One stroke penalty. The player is the sole judge as to whether their ball is unplayable. It may be declared unplayable at any place on the course except a water hazard. Drop a ball either of the following ways:

·         Within two club lengths of the point where the ball lay not nearer the hole.

·         Behind the point where the ball lay, keeping that point between themselves and the hole, with no limit as to how far behind that point the ball may be dropped. If the ball lay in a bunker, or other hazard, the ball must be dropped in the bunker or hazard.

·         Areas marked by red stakes are hazards and you may, with one stroke penalty, drop two club lengths from the hazard not nearer the hole.

·         Fescue – see 4a above.


6.      Water hazard (Yellow Stakes): If the ball lies or is lost in a water hazard, the player may drop a ball under penalty of one stroke, behind the water hazard, keeping the spot at which the ball last crossed the margin of the water hazard between the player and the hole, with no limit as to how far behind the hazard the ball may be dropped. If the player hits another ball into the same water hazard, a ball may be placed on the other side of the hazard two club lengths from where it would have crossed the hazard and take another penalty stroke.


7.      Lateral Water Hazard (Red Stakes): If a ball is in a lateral water hazard, the player may drop a ball under penalty of one stroke, within two club lengths of the side of the lateral water hazard where the ball last crossed the hazard boundary or a point on the opposite side of the hazard no nearer the hole.


8.      Concede Putt:  A competitor may concede an opponents putt on the green per USGA Match Play rules within the following modified criteria. The LEAGUE specifies that the length of the putt may not exceed the distance between the putter head and the bottom of the putter grip. If the competitor is using a “long” putter then they shall measure with a fellow competitors normal length putter. The competitor is the sole judge in the decision to concede the putt of the opponent.


NOTE: The conceded putt is added as a stroke for that hole and recorded on the scorecard. The score will be addressed in the same manner as if the player had actually made the putt. It will have no impact on any other issues i.e. handicaps, et al. A hole CANNOT be conceded and must be completed in order to post a stroke play score for handicap purposes based on all other existing rules. (i.e. Pick up Rule)


9.      Free drop: Within one club length of the nearest point of relief not nearer the hole if the following conditions interfere with stance or swing:

·         All maintenance roads and cart paths

·         Casual water or ground under repair

·         Any man-made obstacle except those in a hazard.


10.  A ball in a hazard: The club must not touch the hazard (be grounded) prior to the actual swing. This includes practice swings. If the club does touch the hazard, one stroke penalty must be taken. If a player’s ball lies in a bunker completely covered by casual water, the player may play the ball as it lies or:

·         Drop the ball in the bunker without penalty at the nearest point, not nearer the hole, where the depth of the casual water is least, or

·         Drop the ball behind the bunker under penalty of one stroke, or

·         Declare the ball unplayable and proceed in accordance with USGA Rule 28.


11.  Dropping rule: Whenever you are required to drop a ball, if it rolls (a) into a hazard, (b) out of bounds, (c) more that two club lengths from the point where it first struck the ground, (d) comes to rest nearer the hole than the original position, or (e) in a spot that the club will strike a rock, it shall be re-dropped without penalty. If the ball again rolls into such a position, it shall be placed where it first struck the ground when re-dropped.


12.  All local club rules apply unless league rules have modified them. 


13.  Changing of the ball: USGA rules are to be generally followed which permit any ball that has been damaged to be replaced at any time during play of the hole, with concurrence from fellow competitor. The exception to USGA rules is as follows: the league does not follow the "one ball" rule, thereby allowing a player to change the brand and type of ball during the course of play. However, you CANNOT use one ball for the fairway and another ball for the greens!


14.  Scorecards: Effective July 1, 2004, league members MUST write the start time and end time of their match on their scorecard. Start Time is defined as the time when the player's foursome has completed teeing off on the first hole (either Hole 1 or Hole 10).  End Time is defined as the time when the player's foursome has completed playing the last hole (either Hole 9 or Hole 18) and the flag is replaced at that hole. Upon completion of the match the completed scorecards must be turned in at the clubhouse. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a forfeit by each player listed on the incomplete scorecard.


Beginning in 2021, the League added 2 alternative play outings to the League schedule as a way to enhance enjoyment and promote team unity. The events are 2 Player Scrambles and Horse Races. The rules of each are linked:


2 Person Scramble


Horse Race




1.      Be quiet and out of the way when any golfer is ready to hit the ball.

2.      When it is a golfers turn to hit, they should be ready to hit the ball.

3.      All shots should be played without delay when the path ahead is clear.

4.      Golfers should try to watch each other’s shots. If one of the players has trouble locating their ball, another golfer may be able to help them find it.

5.      Players searching for a lost ball are allowed only five minutes to find it. Otherwise wave the following group through and do not resume play until that group is clear.

6.      Players should repair divots, bunkers, and ball marks.

7.      After reaching the green, move equipment toward the entrance to the next hole. NEVER leave your equipment in front of the green. This will enable the group behind you to hit up to the green as soon as you have cleared the area.

8.      Golfers should be ready to putt when it is their turn.

9.      Leave the green immediately after the last player has holed out and the flag has been replaced. Scores can be recorded on the next tee.

10.  The league Officers and Members seriously frown upon HOT TEMPERS, PROFANITY, AND, IN PARTICULAR, CLUB THROWING. Golfers that practice these activities will NO LONGER be considered “MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING” and will be asked to leave the league.





The league championship will be decided at the year-end tournament (YET) scheduled for September. The winning teams from each half of the season are matched against each other in an 18-hole play-off. If the same team wins both halves of the season, a play-off is avoided and that team is automatically the league champion.


Determination of Winning Team for 1st Half and 2nd Half

If a tie exists in total team points for either half, the winner will be decided by the points won when the two teams competed head-to-head with each other during that half of the season.


If a tie still exists because the two teams split (i.e., each team earned 5 points) when they played each other in the half, the winner will be decided by the total points won when each of the two teams competed head-to-head with the third place team.


For example:

1.      Team 5 and Team 7 tie for first place at the end of the half with 45 points each.

2.      Team 8 finished third with 43 points.

3.      Team 5 and Team 7 also "split" when they competed against each other during the half.

4.      Therefore, the half winner is decided by the total points each team won when they played against Team 8 during the half.

5.      Team 5 won 9 points against Team 8.

6.      Team 7 only won 6 points against Team 8.

7.      Team 5 is the winner because they won more points against the third place team then Team 7.

8.      If a tie still exists, the same tiebreaker process is followed when the two teams competed head-to-head against the fourth place team, then the fifth place team and so on until a winner is determined.


If there is a three-way or more way tie, then the total points for each team from all matches against the other two (or more) teams will be calculated. The team with the most points will be the winner. If there is still a tie between two of the teams, then the winner of their match for the half will determine the winner. If there still is a tie after that, then we will follow the above rule on head-to-head competition against the next best team(s) to determine the winner.


Determination of League Champion at YET

At the Year End Tournament, all six members of each team competing for the League Championship will use the rules, scoring, and awarding of points as applied during the regular season play with the following exceptions:


1.      Handicaps will be adjusted to reflect 18 holes of play and adjust to the appropriate slope index for the YET golf course.

2.      ALL SIX TEAM MEMBERS MUST COMPETE (NO SUBSTITUTES) with all scores counting. If any member is absent, normal forfeit rules will apply.  If any member has not met the minimum number of rounds required then normal forfeit rules will apply.

3.      At least three team members must play in the Championship otherwise the team net points (2 points) will automatically go to the other team and the Championship will be automatically be forfeited to their opponents.

4.      Maximum points possible is increased to fourteen (2 points per player and 2 points for team score).


If, after 18 holes, a tie exists in team points, the winner will be decided by the total points won when the two teams competed head-to-head against each other during the 1st and 2nd halves of the league season. If a tie still exists, the winner of the match will be decided by total points won when the two teams competed head-to-head against the third best team in the league (Third Best Team is defined as the team with the most combined total points for the two halves, excluding the two teams competing for the championship). If a tie still exists after using Third Best Team, the tiebreaker process continues using Fourth Best Team, Fifth Best Team, etc. until a winner is determined.






Each week during regular season play, members will be rewarded for team and individual performances.  Members will earn “chances” throughout the year that will better their odds of winning raffle prizes drawn at the Year-End Tournament.   Members will earn “chances” as follows:

·      Team Low Net - based upon 4 team matches – the four participating team members for that match will each receive one “chance.” In case of ties, “chances” will be awarded to all that have the same low team net. Note: In accordance with the team low net rule (i.e., in order to receive team points, at least three members/subs must play that day), a team that fields only 2 players is NOT eligible for team points and therefore will not be eligible for the low team net prize.

·       Individual Low Net - (Match Score Flights A, B, and C) receives one “chance.”   In case of ties, “chances” will be awarded to all that have the same low net.

·       Individual Low Gross - receives one “chance.”   In case of ties, “chances” will be awarded to all that have the same low gross.

·      Note: League subs do not pay dues and therefore are NOT eligible for receiving league prizes. 



Tournament awards are as follows:

·         Net Best Ball Foursome (1st, 2nd and 3rd)

·         Individual Low Gross (1st, 2nd and 3rd)

·         Individual Low Net (1st, 2nd and 3rd)

·         Longest drive - 1 hole

·         Closest to the Line - 1 hole

·         Closest to the pin - 2 holes (3 per hole)

·         Only one award per person - based on highest value of award

·         Golf ball must be in the fairway of the “longest drive” hole to qualify for the longest drive.

·         Golf ball must be in the fairway of the “closest to the line” hole to qualify for closest to the line drive.

·         Golf ball must be on the green of the "closest to the pin" hole to qualify for the closest to the pin.  The distance should be measured to the closest edge of the cup.



Trophies will be awarded at the final tournament for the league champions in the following categories:

·         Team Championship Trophy - 7  trophies” awarded to the team that wins the season play-off match and will be identified as “LEAGUE CHAMPIONS”.

·         Team Runner Up Trophy - 7 “trophies” awarded to the team that loses the play-off match and will be identified as “1st or 2nd HALF  CHAMPIONS, whichever is appropriate.

*        (note - winning either of the aforementioned team trophies does not preclude members from winning individual trophies)

·         Team 3RD Place Trophy – 7 “trophies” awarded to the team that wins the consolation match play-off between the 2nd place teams from the 1st and 2nd half of the season and will be identified as 3RD PLACE”.

·         Low Gross for Season – One Trophy – 1st LOW GROSS (requires 9 matches, forfeits included, to qualify).

·         Low Net for the Season - One Trophy – 1st LOW NET (requires 9 matches, forfeits included, to qualify).

·         Most Valuable Player - One Trophy – MVP (requires 9 matches, forfeits included, based on highest average points won per match during the season).

·         Most Improved Player - One Trophy – MIP with the most improvement in average gross score for the year to be calculated by subtracting the current end of year gross average from the previous year average (requires 9 matches, forfeits included, in each year).

·         Team Most Valuable Player – REMOVED



In the event of ties for individual trophies, all will receive equal awards to be determined each year by the Executive Committee and remaining funds





  1. Membership Termination

·         A member may terminate his/her membership at any time by advising any member of the Executive Committee in writing with the understanding that the dues will be refunded at the discretion of the Executive Committee (see 2. Annual Dues & Rebates).

·         A member may contribute their membership to the League for reuse at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

·         When, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, a member’s conduct warrants their removal from the League and /or they are no longer considered to be a “member in good standing”, the member’s name will be removed from the League records. The unused portion of the year of play will be terminated and the dues for the unused portion will be refunded based on 2. Annual Dues & Rebates. The vacant position will then be filled per item #2 below.

·         When a member is unable to maintain them self as a “member in good standing”, as identified in items (a) through (i) in "2. Annual Dues & Rebates", the Executive Committee WILL remove that member from the league roster. These decisions will be made PRIOR TO THE SECOND HALF OF THE SEASON or after each season with notification to the affected member prior to the start of the second half of the season or the new season, respectively.


2.      Annual Dues & Rebates

·         Should a new member fill a vacancy during the season, he/she is required to pay the full amount for the annual dues. Annual dues are no longer prorated.

·         League members who are asked to leave the league at the end of the first half because they are no longer a member in "Good Standing" may be entitled to a $50 rebate of their league dues. Reasons for being asked to leave include the following:

(a)  Can not play to a 25 handicap

(b)  Does not play when scheduled to play and does not get a sub

(c)  Does not pay his/her greens fees in a timely manner

(d)  Does not pay his/her greens fees for their forfeits

(e)  Un-sportsman-like conduct (e.g., throwing clubs or using foul language)

(f)  Does not pay his/her league dues

(g)  Does not adhere to league member responsibilities as listed in the league rules

(h)  Officers have deemed the member to be no longer in "Good Standing"

(i)  Consistent excessively slow play

·         For the aforementioned conditions, the financial rebate is as follows:

(a)  Receives $40 rebate

(b)  Receives $40 rebate

(c)  Receives $40 rebate minus greens fees owed

(d)  Receives $40 rebate minus greens fees owed

(e)  Receives $40 rebate

(f)  No rebate

(g)  Receives $40 rebate

(h)  Receives $40 rebate

(i)  Receives $40 rebate


Note A: Each league members must pay the annual dues regardless of when (i.e, 1st half or 2nd half) he/she is assigned to a team.


Note B: In (c) and (d) above, if the league member owes more then $40, then that person will not receive a rebate and must pay the amount exceeding $40.


Note C: If the league member leaves in the 1st half, the above rules apply. If the league member leaves in the 2nd half, then that person WILL NOT receive a rebate. 


Note D: If a league member leaves for his/her own reason in the 1st half, then he/she is entitled to the $40 rebate.  If a league member leaves for his/her own reason in the 2nd half, then he/she WILL NOT receive a rebate.


3. Assessments

§  From time to time, the Executive Committee may have the need to impose an assessment. In such instance, assessments would 1st. be applied on league officers and 2nd on league members. 1st the league officers dues would not be waived for that year. 2nd if assessment need be applied it would be applied to all league members including officers and it may not exceed 20% of the annual dues. Assessments greater than 20% will require approval of two-thirds of the league membership. Upon approval of the assessment, payment is to be forwarded to the Treasurer within 30 days of the date of notification to the membership. Failure to comply will cause the member’s name to be removed from the records of the League and all privileges extended under the League Bylaws will be forfeited. Termination will be executed in accordance with the by laws as covered in “1. (bullet 3)”, above.